A Secular Entrance

Hey! There are thousands of you who have converged to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social media. Thank you.
Most of you are secular in mindset and may think my work looks dubious. I get that sometimes. I have taken many steps to reassure you that this book and developing movement are firmly rooted in secularism, and our sciences. One of my favorite phrases for it now is “intended to be, fallacy free”. 
Truly, it’s as if physics and philosophy wrote a book to address the public in its current predicament. They say they want the truth, which really is the most important part, but they also need it easy and catchy. I’ve resided with this information and ways of organizing it for over 18 years. The book was completed 8 years ago. Over the years I have developed so much in the background, and everything you’re seeing to present. I have done this on my own, which is to say that I do not have a staff of people helping me. I do have tons of support for what we’re doing, and helpful associations. 
It’s been said that perhaps the Secular Community is not the audience for these efforts. And after 8 years of thinking about, I vehemently disagree. If you’ve been through many of the philosophical arguments and read my book, you’d realize that the arguments have suitable answers for us to move on to as an Earthy society. In other words, we understand our universal position better than we ever have. It’s time to bring it to the masses. Bam! Secular Energeticism, described in Matthew 10:10 Travels of an Awareness, in general terms the public can understand and get into to.
Again, I know how it looks. Energeticism, “we are awarenesses first”, Matthew 10:10, “the universe aware of itself”. In all actuality, Secular Energeticism is incredibly simple and derived from academia. The book, strange as the title may appear, takes this marriage of philosophy and physics and boils it down for the masses, after explaining why this is even necessary. To show more on my excitement, people are loving it!
As secularists and atheists, we know why this is necessary. One reason: an interpretation of existence that is highly congruent with reality is not currently being cherished by vast majorities of people. Instead we have the opposite. If it were, religions would fall by the wayside, as would may other lame constructs like racism, sexism, and nationalism and so on. Realizing what I’ve written, one would see these topics as complete wastes of time.
Secular Energeticism, and Matthew 10:10 Travels of an Awareness are dangerous, not for the notions they display, on the contrary, but for the notions they dispel. The Universe can now be done misunderstanding itself, and through shedding so much misinformation, may understand its circumstance more clearly. 
Fellow Secularists, this is the best time that history has even seen for something like this. We know this is already happening. Secular Energeticism is an accelerant to this process.

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