
History and Tour

Hello fellow awareness inside a vast and powerful brain! Welcome and thank you so much for taking the time to visit. Allow me to show you around a little bit, as things may appear a bit odd in here at first. First off, …

Warning and Intro

We’re getting some attention. Seriously cool stuff has been happening! Why should you be happy reading all of this? Because how we exist here together is important. No TLDRs. This is awesome! WARNING: If you are deeply into some religion you may want to exit …

Awareness is Bliss

Thank you for visiting the Secular Energeticist’s official website. Have you seen this bumper sticker out there while driving around? Get one. Awareness is Bliss. You’ve probably heard the opposite stated for your entire life. Ignorance is Bliss. Right? What is the opposite of ignoring …


When are we not updating? This website and this organization have been under development for over eight years now. Over the years, many changes have been made to this website with the intention of making it more clear, interesting and entertaining, and easier to …

Secular Energeticism

Energeticism is a system of understanding existence that results from re-answering the fundamental questions of existence using current scientifically grounded, logically sound, fallacy-free information. In accordance with our Laws of Physics, all that exists is energy. Yes, energy can neither be created nor …